is a pan-European internet platform which offers the household accessories and gives the proffesional technical assistance. In this text, we show you how to replace the fridge water filter dd-7098 by a new one. Firstly, open the fridge"s door and find the plastic box that is located on the rear wall. Secondly, put the plastic cover off and unscrew the filter counter-clockwise. Then, clean the socket, install the new filter, put the cover back on and close the door. It"s easy, isn"t it? If everything has been done properly, you should be able to read a short message on the lcd panel. Old filter should be given to the waste collection point. If you want to buy the fridge water filter dd-7098 or ask any question regarding the fridges, please visit our website. Our experts are able to help you identify the type of filter in which your fridge is equipped with and, if needed, find the appropriate substitute.

Jak pozbyć się dzika
Dziki są dosyć nieustępliwe i lubią wchodzić nie na swoje ziemie. Dlatego ludzie zastanawiają się nad czymś takim jak to, jak odstraszyć dziki z kukurydzy. Wydaje się, że nie może to być tak trudne, jakby si...